Find the beauty in everything.

Evening all sorry for my lack of blogging as of late but lifes just been busy… I’m currently going through the very last part of my healing process, it’s the stage when the guard is slowly dropping again and you can feel yourself ready to move forward it’s time.. I now understand that the processContinue reading “Find the beauty in everything.”

The women with the highest walls, have the deepest love.

Evening all, I know it’s been a while since I’ve connected with you all. Stop the ferris wheel it’s time for me to get off. And what I mean is that after the past 9 months my soul has started to finally heal. I’m on the final push now and I really know I’m goingContinue reading “The women with the highest walls, have the deepest love.”

Sit down shut up and listen…

Good morning everyone hope your all well. I’ve decided that today’s blog is going to be a pep talk to anyone who needs it. I’ve awoke in one of the moods we’re the universe has told me to speak out loud for them. Stacey isn’t one to hold back she’s a virgo. When life feelsContinue reading “Sit down shut up and listen…”

Are we destined to Burn or will we last the night….

Good morning where ever you are in the world… After beating my demons back under the bed with my bat, I’ve decided to set my soul on fire again and come to my escape place. Everyone has a wobble mine are less and less these days but 80% I’m always high on life. I’m inContinue reading “Are we destined to Burn or will we last the night….”

What is love?

Evening all I thought I would do a little post this evening regarding love. I get asked this question alot Stacie what is love? And honestly people I’m not too sure I can only give you my understanding and experiences regarding the four letter word. I need to be completely honest here and if anyContinue reading “What is love?”

You just don’t get it…

Evening all Hope you’re all well tonights post is also about the D yes dating. Over 18’s only tonight.. You know how it is you breakup with someone you spend sometime healing, soul searching and then your ready to be thrown back out into the shark pit. That’s exactly what it is a flipping sharkContinue reading “You just don’t get it…”

Faith over fear

Heya everyone I’m back to my late night blogging again. Tonight post is all about having faith over fear. Stop procrastinating over what could go wrong, instead think of what could go right. You get one chance to live this lifetime, you guys know I’m a big believer of what you put out to theContinue reading “Faith over fear”

In time everything will make perfect sense.

It’s 3am and at this time of day my mind is still so active.. They say in time everything will make perfect sense, whoever come up with that qoute would of probably been a very wise person, with a lot of life experience. The universe doesn’t send us situations that we cannot overcome, nor doesContinue reading “In time everything will make perfect sense.”

The Undoing

Hey everyone it’s been a while!! I wanted to blog today about life and its ability to unravel in front of your eyes. Wouldn’t it be perfect if life was simple and so straight forward. If you could happily store all your good memories on your very own brain vision board and store all theContinue reading “The Undoing”

How To Starve A Narcissist

Hello my lovely people Happy Sunday to you all I’m sorry I won’t be doing a weekly Spiritual Guidance Post this week I’m having a break, if truth be told I’m going to waste my whole Sunday playing sims 4. Just because in sims I’ve got a better handle on life. I’ve decided to doContinue reading “How To Starve A Narcissist”